oMg!..reaLLy sORry bLoggiE =( i do not haVe tiME these past week to posT anyThing..buT there's a LOt oF thinGS thaT happened ady..hahaah.. last Friday (June 4), we haD oUR bibLE quiZ in ouR religiOn subJEct..mY teaM are fuNNy..'coz there in my group is ReMy and Marion..theY are
"barkadas" in enGlish, buDDies.RemY tolD me thaT MArioN had a cruSH on mE..aND he had too! yikes..! haahahha...tHEy called me "crUSh" from thaT timE on..moSt esPEciaLLy MArioN..hahahha.. --- back to the bible quiz..i let my team answer the questioNs bUt when i knOW the answers, i share it to them (if i knOw the answer!) ^^ noW, reMy toLD me thaT when the answers i gave them are not correct, he would kiss me (or i will..eeW!) i accepteD the deAl bUT i need to give him a black eye first..hahahah..laTEr, wheN we checked oUR answerS, the onE i aNSwered was wRong..oh goSH!..he waNna get the kiss adY..buT he duN want to haVe black nothing happened..hahahaha...aNyway, it's juST a joKe.!^^ .afTEr our religioN class is sciENce class..oUR teaCHEr gaVE us
"Batobalani" (a science-based magazine) and he let us answer the back page.. i was suRprised whEn MaRioN sit beside me aND heLped me in oUR activiTy..thaT's unusuaL! bUT whY did he do thaT? hmmnn..i duNNo..maYbe he wanna be frieNDs with me?..ryT? eVEry oTher daY aFter thaT, he alWays makE me laUgh..hahaha..he's so fuNNy..=)
hMMNn..thiS weeK..nOThinG fUn faCT, it's so bOring!..moSt of my classmaTe are out for pracTice..(drumcorp and cheerdance)..thEy will be having coMpetition for the T'naLak festiVAl..aND it will staRT tomoRRow..!!.yaY..i'm going to see the drumcorp competitioN..^^ i'm going there w/ Mutya (frOm d 1st sectiOn)..she will fetch me in oUr hOuse =) hhahahah..
schoOL's reaLLy boring this WeeK! we do noT haVE serioUS class anyMore..the rooM is so noiSy becaUSe oF that aNd one oF mY friEnds (ANNE) do not go to school in the afterNoon decause of tHAt..i thiNk shE's boRed oR maYBe ShE dUn liKE to be in schooL with nothing to, i'M glAd that we haD chOir practice this Fun!..oUr choiR moderator is oUR muSiC teaCHer too..